Dana O'Driscoll

Dana O’Driscoll has been an animist druid for 20 years, and currently serves as Grand Archdruid in the Ancient Order of Druids in America (www.aoda.org). She is a druid-grade member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids and is the OBOD’s 2018 Mount Haemus Scholar. She is the author of Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Spiritual Practice (REDFeather, 2021), the Sacred Actions Journal (REDFeather, 2022), and Land Healing: Physical, Metaphysical, and Ritual Approaches for Healing the Earth (REDFeather, 2024). She is also the author/illustrator of the Tarot of Trees, Plant Spirit Oracle, and Treelore Oracle. Dana is an herbalist, certified permaculture designer, and permaculture teacher who teaches about reconnection, regeneration, and land healing through herbalism, wild food foraging, and sustainable living. In 2024, she co-founded the Pennsylvania School of Herbalism with her sister and fellow herbalist, Briel Beaty. Dana lives at a 5-acre homestead in rural western Pennsylvania with her partner and a host of feathered and furred friends. She writes at the Druids Garden blog and is on Instagram as @druidsgardenart. She also regularly writes for Plant Healer Quarterly and Spirituality and Health magazine.

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  1. Certain parts of Black Walnut are also acknowledged to be extremely toxic to horses. Although they can apparently eat the leaves safely, the wood ( even in sawdust accidentally used as bedding), and nut hulls should never come into contact with a horse’s hooves, as these are known to cause laminitis and founder which is extremely painful and far too often ultimately fatal to the horse. It is NOT a good tree to have in horse pastures!

    1. Thanks for Sharing this info, Nancy!

  2. I could really relate to your love of this beautiful tree. I was in love with a walnut tree when I was a young child. I would hug it, stand under it, admire it’s offerings, look up at the canopy, watch the birds in it and, feel protected when close to it.
    I’ll never forget the magic of this tree.
    It’s interesting how sensitive we are to nature when we’re children.

    1. Yes, it is true. The trees are able to reach us better as children, and if we are lucky, those relationships can continue into adulthood :).

  3. Thanks for this. Living on land long poisoned by juglone, I have pondered much of the walnut wisdom, but I did not know some of this lore! I hope things are well with you. The people I sent your Tarot of Trees cards to absolutely loved them!

    1. Laura,
      So nice to hear from you! How much walnut do you have at your property? I’m glad to know this post was helpful.

      1. Hi Dana, I’m not sure if my last few emails have gone through to you, as I never got a response, so maybe they evaporated into cyberspace.

        We no longer have any black walnuts on our property, but they apparently formed a major portion of the wild and unhealthy mass of trees that our landlord cleared when he gut rehabbed this place. There was one large black walnut almost up against our house, which he cut down a couple years ago for wood and because it was starting to damage our house, but I have seen many volunteers all over the yard.

        It just finally clicked after a couple years of erratic growth why everyone indicated that most of the trees the landlord cut down to stumps were extremely unhealthy silver maples, which are not tolerant to juglone. The limbs kept splitting and causing damage, and only certain trees that I just happened to have intuited to put in various spots happened to be juglone tolerant. Instead of a very unhealthy yard, we now have lots of variety, but it was hit or miss for awhile until I figured out the juglone component. Our non gardening friends have lots of black walnut, so no shortage around here!

  4. Grew up with a huge black walnut tree in the back yard. thanks for reminding me of that time. Our horse never came to harm, of course they had no interest in the walnuts since mom’s garden was close by and far more enticing.

    1. That’s good to know. I know walnut can harm animals, but I think that animals in a natural environment (not caged in, etc) that have choices don’t eat them!

      1. Correct never had any of our animals eat them however used to turn my nails green hulling them

  5. […] via Sacred Tree Profile of Walnut (Juglans Nigra): Magical, Medicinal, and Edible Qualities — The Drui… […]

    1. Thanks for the reblog! 🙂

  6. Nice! A friend gave me a hat last year. It’s a broad-brim felt hat, perfect for gardening and wandering. It wasn’t long before I was thinking of it as my druid’s hat.

    Then I got a nasty stain on it I couldn’t get out. As a last resort, I gathered a bunch of walnuts and dyed the thing in my cauldron. Who knew I was infusing it with such a protective essence? Now it’s totally a druid’s hat!

    1. I love that! A druid’s hat indeed. I dyed one of my druid journals with walnut husks (literally just put a bunch of them in a water bath, added a little vinegar, let them sit a week, then dipped the paper in for a while. It came out soooo well!

  7. Good gosh I enjoyed this one Dana. I saved two small buckets of walnuts from the tree at the farm. The hulls are very ready to make ink 😎. If you want to get together to do this, let me know. Love you sooooo much. Trinity

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

  8. An old solid metal meat tenderizer, the hammer like type, is what I use to crack the nuts, it gets a grip on them when I strike so they don’t go flying off somewhere if I miss strike with a hammer. But I tend to take the hulls off when they are green and do it right away in my driveway, over the years I’ve learned what colour of green means they are yummy inside and ready.

    1. That is a *really* great idea! Thanks for the tip :).

      What color of green do you find means that they are yummy? I usually wait a longer time, till they turn brown (or really, till I get around to it!)

  9. I enjoyed your writing and musings. I would love to hear the ending to “Walnut and Gratitude.” It seems to end prematurely. I grew up picking up walnuts for spending money as a child. Now I live near the only black walnut company in the world! I wish more people recognized the value and sacredness of this tree.

  10. Hello..woke up very early today..July 4! from a dream of a walnut tree..(that’s how I found this site..looking up walnuts after the dream). In the dream I could see the gradual development of the walnuts. By the time they were mature with hulls, you could see they were super abundant. Some man was connected to them..seemed like he could make a lot of money from them..because they were quite special..had healing powers or something. But he wasn’t charging lots of money because he was already wealthy!

    1. Hi Faith, that sounds like a great dream! You might continue to work with the walnut after the dream to see what else might be revealed. I’d especially recommend finding a walnut tree and sitting with it 🙂

    2. What an extraordinary dream hope you have as blessed abundantly

  11. I was sitting in the living room, in Lexington KY. Heard a rattle at the front door, went to look….Lo and behold a rabbit from the yard had left me the gift of a black walnut on the door threshold. Magical indeed. Ralph

    1. I love this story! A good rabbit and a good walnut!

  12. I just moved and found that we have a couple of black walnut trees hidden in the woods behind our house. I immediately began searching for more information on the trees. I love the all the legends and myths regarding this beautiful tree. Thank you so much for this information!

    1. Aura, you are most welcome. I’m delighted to hear about your walnut friends–they are an incredible tree. Blessings!


    I love the expeller explanation. Are there books you would recommend other than Cunningham?

    1. For magical herbalism? Yes, I would suggest JMG’s Encyclopedia of Natural Magic. I also like Beryl’s Master book of Magical Herbalism (might have a slightly different title, but its a good one. I think it is out of print, however).

  14. Thank you so much for this!
    Today I watched a tarot reading that was incredibly spot on, and the Black Walnut card came up!
    I moved to East TN, where the left side of our yard is lined with Black Walnut trees! I use one as an offering tree and a protector.

    I doubted my intuition for a minute because I AM an early childhood survivor, so I HAVE picked toxic people and places without a second thought. I wondered if maybe I chose poorly by choosing a tree that can be toxic.

    Now that I read this, I see more clearly. Also, you mentioned that blackberry and something else aren’t affected by the toxin, so that helps. Not that that is the only positive! I DO have a strong shadow and tend to work with darker guides, so I guess this lines up for me!

    Thanks again! I subscribed!

    1. Hi Heather! Glad that you are connecting to the Black Walnut tree and the wonderful medicine that Walnut provides. I am glad to hear that this information is resonating with you!

      Blessings, Dana

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