Refugia Handouts and Presentations

A handout for the Hawthorn Botanical Gathering 2024 Workshop on Refugia Gardening (designed for herbalists): Refugia Handout.pdf

Presentation PDF from PA Herb and Garden Show, April 2024 (designed for a general audience interested in gardening) (PDF Link, 14 meg with photos).

Helpful Links for Refugia Gardening in PA and the Mid-Atlantic

Searchable Pennsylvania Species List: Rare, Endangered, Threatened, Extinct: A searchable list of all current Pennsylvania Species, including links to fact sheets and more information).

PA DCNR Page on Rare Plants:  Information on planting natives, rare plants in PA, and other resources.

United Plant Savers Species at Risk List: A list maintained by Ohio-based non-profit United Plant Savers which focuses on the conservation of medicinal plants.  I have long been a member of this wonderful organization and can’t recommend them enough.

Pennsylvania Climate Change Report: This helps us plant and design gardens that are resilient for the present and the future.

Soil Building Information

A Guide to Three kinds of Hugelkultur beds you can build to create a healthy soil web, sink resources and carbon, and create more climate-resistant gardens.

An overview of different soil building techniques that work with nature rather than against her (no tilling!)

An example of medicinal forest hugelkultur and some of the forest replanting being done at the Druid’s Garden.

Composting techniques to build soil!

Vermicomposting techniques.

Rewilding and Replanting

How to make seed balls and scatter seeds for wildtending: some basic instructions for how to craft your own seed balls and gather/spread seeds.

Philosophy of replanting and rewilding, being a good human being in care for the earth!

Ethical foraging guidelines for herbalists and wild-tenders! (With free teaching resources).

Herbalism and Magical Herbalism Resources

Dana’s guide to Herbalism and Magical herbalism (with many many different links to plant profiles, recipes, magical herbalism techniques, etc.).