Land Healers Network Launch!

One of the things that I’ve realized in doing the work of a land healer is how little support and information is available. When I wrote Land Healing, I decided to create a supportive community in addition to the book to help address this: and today, the Land Healers Network is born! The goal of the Land Healers Network is to create a supportive community to help others take up the path of land healing, work through the material in the Land Healing book, share rituals, and explore our experiences together.

I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while. Land healing is often a really quiet practice, that we just do when we need to do. It can transcend across different people, walks of life, and spiritual paths. People interested in this work take up the path of land healing because of a genuine desire to help all life on the planet, make a difference, and connect with nature. And now, more than ever, learning how to regenerate, rewild, and reconnect with the land, to have a positive impact on our ecosystem, is critically important. I have wanted to bring people together for open conversations. Seeing as I’m launching the Land Healing book in a few weeks on this topic, which can lay a nice foundation for shared conversation and frameworks…it seems like the right time to bring a group of people together.

I’ve never started anything like this before, so the Land Healers Network will be an evolving thing! So without any further delay, here is my official announcement!

The purpose of the Land Healers Network is to provide a supportive framework for anyone, anywhere, to take up the path of land healing. We stand against the continual degradation of the earth by humans and recognize our own human birthright as caretakers, tenders, and healers.  We use both physical and metaphysical land healing techniques such as rewilding, permaculture, rituals, and energy work to address the need for healing the earth. We come together to support each other in this healing work through workshops, conversations, and rituals. We know that this work is sacred work, and in doing this work, we are able to envision a brighter today and tomorrow where all life on earth and future generations are able to thrive. Anyone who is interested in this work can join us, grow, and learn together.  Be the change you want to see in the world!

The Land Healers Network is coordinated by Dana O’Driscoll of the Druid’s Garden and is also associated with the Ancient Order of Druids in America’s ongoing efforts to support large-scale earth healing rituals at the Equinoxes and Solstices.

Want to get involved?

1. Sign up for my mailing list or subscribe to my blog (top right of each page).  I will email you four times a year with land healing events and information.  (And no, I won’t sell your info or spam you!).  I will also share upcoming events and info at the bottom of my blog posts.

2. Come to the Quarterly Land Healing Calls (2024 dates below). I will host quarterly Land Healing calls to discuss different aspects of land healing–I’ve listed the first four below. Please consider putting these on your calendar and joining me!

3. Connect with others and share your experiencesYou can join the new Land Healer’s network social media group on Facebook to discuss the work of land healing, connect with others, and share. This is a brand new group, so if you are on FB, please join!

4.  Coming Summer 2024: Participate in Global Earth Healing rituals from where you live! For the last few years, AODA has been working to develop a set of large-scale land healing rituals using the frameworks of our tradition. We have been doing our rituals for two years, and this year, our goal is to make these rituals “open access” and develop a set of flexible rituals that people of different traditions can use and participate in. AODA will release these in Summer Solstice 2024 and share them in several places, including with the Land Healer’s Network!

Land Healer’s Network Quarterly Zoom Calls

Healing the land...
Healing the land…

The Land Healer’s Network includes quarterly calls that focus on targeted aspects of Land Healing and discuss different approaches. They are entirely free and open to anyone who wants to attend. Each call features an earth healing practice done together, a 20-30 min presentation by Dana O’Driscoll on various aspects of land healing (targeting different chapters of the book), and plenty of time for sharing and open conversation surrounding land healing.  Here are the calls for 2024.

Quarterly Calls for 2024:

((Note: I will be adding some additional times that will work for other timezones in the next few weeks–please stay tuned!))

March 20th, 2024 – Inaugural Land Healer’s Network & Book Launch – 8:30 – 10pm EST

Introducing the Land Healing book and land healing framework (Ch 1 from Land Healing), engaging in a land healing meditation, open discussion about things people would enjoy talking about, and the possibilities for the work ahead.

June 6th – Land Healer’s Network: Land Healing Tools- 8:30 – 10pm EST

Developing working tools as a Land Healer (Ch 2 from Land Healing) and creating a land healer’s crane bag. Exploring the earth healing seasonal rituals, and open discussion on land healing.

September 11th – Land Healer’s Network: Listening, Witnessing and Apology – 8:30-10pm EST

Exploring foundational practices in land healing including deep listening, witnessing, observation, and apology (Chapter 3 of Land Healing).  Open discussions of land healing.  Divination for land healers.

December 9th – Land Healer’s network: Raising Energy for Blessing and Abundance – 8:30pm – 10pm EST

Exploring Land Healing through raising energy for blessing and abundance (such as through Wassaililng and ritual work (Chapter 4 of Land Healing); land healing meditation, and open discussions of land healing.

Here’s the Zoom Login info for these quarterly calls:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 451 260 8842

One tap mobile
+13092053325,,4512608842# US
+13126266799,,4512608842# US (Chicago)


Thank you so much for considering joining the Land Healers Network, and I hope to see you at one or more of these events!  Please also share with me what you’d like to see as we move forward!

Dana O'Driscoll

Dana O’Driscoll has been an animist druid for almost 20 years, and currently serves as Grand Archdruid in the Ancient Order of Druids in America. She is a druid-grade member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids and is the OBOD’s 2018 Mount Haemus Scholar. She is the author of Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Spiritual Practice (REDFeather, 2021), the Sacred Actions Journal (REDFeather, 2022), and Land Healing: Physical, Metaphysical, and Ritual Approaches for Healing the Earth (REDFeather, 2024). She is also the author/illustrator of the Tarot of Trees, Plant Spirit Oracle, and Treelore Oracle. Dana is an herbalist, certified permaculture designer, and permaculture teacher who teaches about reconnection, regeneration, and land healing through herbalism, wild food foraging, and sustainable living. Dana lives at a 5-acre homestead in rural western Pennsylvania with her partner and a host of feathered and furred friends. She writes at the Druids Garden blog and is on Instagram as @druidsgardenart. She also regularly writes for Plant Healer Quarterly and Spirituality and Health magazine.

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  1. I’ve just realised the time difference makes the zoom call is about 1.30am in Scotland. Will there be a recording of the session to catch up later? It sounds totally brilliant!

    1. Hi Irene, yes and stay tuned, I will add some more dates/times to accommodate the many requests from the UK and other folks for calls! 🙂

    2. Love this, thank you, Dana. I’ve been waiting for …just … this … and you’ve done it! Book on order, alas won’t get it until May.

  2. any chance of a recap of the call available/posted to Youtube for those of us who’ve never done Zoom? i also eschewed Facebook and most social media, but use Discord. just other ideas; i know how horrendous it is trying to cover everything, and at least i’ll always be on the newsletter 🙂

    1. Hi Chris! Yes, I am planning on Youtube recordings of parts of the calls! (Although I will say, Zoom is pretty easy to use.)

  3. Hi Dana, thanks for this really exciting initiative. I will definitely follow along, at least on the newsletter. Like Chris I am working really hard not to get sucked back into Facebook land, and do not want to be a part of creating content for Facebook. For my own small forest garden and tree nursery business. I’m trying to use email as much as I can. I know, very old fashioned and perhaps not practical for what you are doing. I realize that sometimes we need to use the tools at hand. Thanks again for all that you do.

    1. I love that, Ruth! I’m not a big fan of social media either, but it is useful to facilitate conversation. Glad for you to join any way you can!

  4. Thank you, Dana! I pre-ordered and have received my copy of your book and am already joyfully reading. I look forward to joining the quarterly calls. Many thanks for all your thoughtful gifts. I am grateful.

    1. Hi Carol! Thank you–I hope you are enjoying the book. Gratitude to you for your support.

  5. Awesomeness! So timely and needed. I’m not usually home till 6:15 pm pacific time; how might I catch up on what was missed? Warmest wishes and thank you for all your creative inspiration and love of the planet.

    1. I’ll have the presentation/meditation/practice portion of the calls recorded (but not the general convo) and will share those recordings. I’m also going to put some weekend-based calls on the schedule to accommodate other time zones.

  6. Yes. And again, Yes.

    1. Thank you, Cedar!

  7. Florence Priscilla Poupore

    This is brilliant and so needed as we struggle to tend to Mother Earth. I am hoping the zoom meetings will be recorded as the meeting times are much too late for me

    1. Hi Priscilla, yes! I’ve gotten that feedback (and should of thought of that myself) so I will be putting some additional dates/discussions/calls on the calendar for other time zones! Stay tuned :).

  8. Well done Dana. I’m sure you will be very busy. I for one have been waiting very patiently for something like this to emerge for the world.

  9. Perfect timing for me Dana, I am a Druid with OBOD but follow your blogs. I was feeling a bit lost lately and needed to find my True North again. Looking forward to working with the Land Healing group.

    1. Hi Rosemary, awesome! I’m also a Druid in OBOD :). Glad that you found the Druid’s Garden and I’m excited to get to know you!

  10. As my daughter nears the end of high school, I’m pondering what to do with myself as I face a less active Mother role. I plan to sell my house to help fund her college so…what then? I’ve thought about buying some land in these mountains. So advice I’d like to see is how to do that, picking the right spot, how to establish my homeplace on it, and then begin healing both myself and the land.

    1. Hi Spryling, there’s so much to that question. I can share some of how I got where I am. So to me, the act of setting a magical intention first and foremost is critical. Both times, what I did was put out an intention to the land and spirits. I was ready to do something new, ready to find land to belong to. For this, you might go into the land, talk with the spirits, share your hopes and dreams. Lead me where I am needed, where I can thrive and be happy, and where I can do good work. Then, I just started being open to possibilities. In both cases, even before I went and looked at the property, I knew it was where I wanted to be. Trust your intuition. Both of my properties had serious challenges and issues, but yet, they were home. And the healing that I got to do there was very powerful–I do really feel like I’m exactly where I am for many reasons. That’s step 1! Once you get there..oh so much more to share. Maybe I need to write a post on this!

  11. What wonderful news, thank you for doing this! Can’t wait for the book and absolutely will join the calls and do the work together. Thank you Dana!

    1. Thank you, Jenn! Blessings 🙂

  12. Christine Fietzer

    Is the Land Healer’s Network open to people who are not on the Druid path? This sounds so wonderful. (I came upon your blog over a year ago and ordered your Sacred Actions book). And do receive your weekly newsletter via email.

    1. Absolutely, it is open to anyone :). Hope you will join us!

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