Dana O'Driscoll

Dana O’Driscoll has been an animist druid for 20 years, and currently serves as Grand Archdruid in the Ancient Order of Druids in America (www.aoda.org). She is a druid-grade member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids and is the OBOD’s 2018 Mount Haemus Scholar. She is the author of Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Spiritual Practice (REDFeather, 2021), the Sacred Actions Journal (REDFeather, 2022), and Land Healing: Physical, Metaphysical, and Ritual Approaches for Healing the Earth (REDFeather, 2024). She is also the author/illustrator of the Tarot of Trees, Plant Spirit Oracle, and Treelore Oracle. Dana is an herbalist, certified permaculture designer, and permaculture teacher who teaches about reconnection, regeneration, and land healing through herbalism, wild food foraging, and sustainable living. In 2024, she co-founded the Pennsylvania School of Herbalism with her sister and fellow herbalist, Briel Beaty. Dana lives at a 5-acre homestead in rural western Pennsylvania with her partner and a host of feathered and furred friends. She writes at the Druids Garden blog and is on Instagram as @druidsgardenart. She also regularly writes for Plant Healer Quarterly and Spirituality and Health magazine.

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  1. I really appreciate these essays on land healing. I use what resources I can find to help me live as a druid, and your site is extremely useful.

    I’ve been busy starting a refugia and generally setting up the conditions for my yard to become a more diverse ecosystem. (Thankfully, the manager of my trailer park is cool.) But there’s another space I found recently that I can’t turn my back on.

    I sort of stumbled across an informal and probably illicit municipal dumping ground on the last Winter Solstice. Not knowing what else to do, I tried to say “I see you” and “Hang in there”. I’ve been planning to go back, better prepared, and do more. These essays have really shown me the possibilities and potentials, and this ninth one ties them together beautifully.

    So that’s where I’ll be on the coming Solstice, probably with a friend, certainly with a gift of some home made wine. Hey, I’ve got some St. John’s wort seeds left, I’ll have to remember to take some seed balls. And I’ll listen, and hopefully I’ll be ready to respond appropriately.

    By the way, if I may, I have a question. I had given up on the Sphere of Protection until your essay in the Trilithon convinced me to find the symbolism I needed to make it work. I succeeded, in a form that feels both comfortable and powerful. All the basic components are still there, but there was one pretty major substitution.

    You see, I use the Four Elements to help me determine and internalize herbal energetics. The practice of ingesting and then meditating on an herb as I experience its effects, using the framework of the Four Elements to help me sort out its energies, is central to my learning experience. I don’t feel that I can make a daily practice of banishing any aspect of the Elements. If there are negative aspects that are normally present, I need to be able to perceive them.

    So, in my SOP, I use the energy of colors, as described by JMG in the color breathing section of The Druidry Handbook. Each color is symbolized by a rune that I feel shares its energy. Banishing the negative aspects of, say, red feels balancing and protective. I also use three directions (I always have, the points of sunrise, sunset, and the North Star), so that’s different too.

    The question is, Am I still performing the SOP? The Sphere of Protection is an AODA ritual. I know there’s a lot of leeway, but I’ve really taken it to extremes. Is it honest of me to say that I’m performing the SOP, or shall I call it something else?

    Thanks in advance, and thank you for all your work.

    1. Hi Ynnothir,

      Thanks for your comment :). I’m really glad to hear the work you are doing in your yard and that these posts have been inspirational!

      I think you had mentioned that dumping ground on the blog before. I’m glad that I’ve given you a lot of tools to “do something” about it, even on an energetic level! St. John’s wort is one of my favorite brightening plants! A perfect compliment to a dark place :).

      On the matter of the SOP: I’m not sure if you have noticed this, but when JMG wrote the SOP ritual, you might notice that it appears differently everywhere he wrote it. So there’s one version on the web, there is another in the Druidry Handbook, another in the Druid Magic Handbook, still another in the GCC handbook, and so on. That was very intentional, although subtle, on his part. The reason for it is simple–it is a ritual that is meant to be adapted.

      I think the approach you have described is fascinating–and an herbal energetic approach can certainly be done. I love the idea of ingesting herbs at each of the four directions. I have an herbal version of the SOP where I call them, but your approach is really inspiring and opens it up for big possibilities!

      I will say the banishing/ invoking pieces of it were probably strongly inspired by the Golden Dawn and ceremonial magic, which might not be for everyone. The reason it is done is to create balance, but I can see why you don’t feel a need to do it as a daily practice. That’s the standard practice, but again, a lot of people experiment with it!

      I’m not sure if you saw this recently on the AODA list, but our new Archdruid, Gordon Cooper, is experimenting with a non-visual version using frequencies of sound, instead, as some people have difficulties with the visuals.

      And so, this is all to say, that you have done exactly with the SOP what we had hoped you would–which is to make it uniquely yours, taking the overall structure, and making refinements as fitting your circumstances and personal belief system and individual practice. Using the additional three directions rather than above, below, and within is also ok–you still have the four and the three :). I think you are still doing your own version of the SOP and I commend you for your innovative approach!

      In fact, I’d be interested in hearing more about it and how it works for you (consider, for example, writing it up and sending it to Trilithon!) Do consider it :). I hope this is helpful!

      1. I’d be honored to contribute to the Trilithon! Look for my submission within the next few weeks. Be warned, though, you’ll probably have to get out your editor’s pen. Sometimes I phrase things in ways that seem perfectly clear to me, but don’t make much sense to others. Plus, I tend to ramble. 🙂

  2. Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
    Great post.

  3. Hi Dana,
    I just had my first ocean swim of the year and I felt fully alive. The sea always does that for me. I used the water ritual you described in a link in this post. i adapted it for ritual bathing before opening a Grove and meditating. I used a free-form version of it with the cold water of the sea enveloping me. I prayed to be restored, to be made strong, to be made loving and so on with each stroke. I came out wonderfully refreshed, faced the east and said Awen. Thank you for being a good and generous teacher.
    Yours under the red cedar,
    Max Rogers

  4. Thank you so much for this series of posts! It has really helped me work energetically as well as physically on the restoration agriculture/community food sharing garden and wildlife refuge my husband, a group of friends and I are co-creating on 12 acres of land in the Hudson Valley. I am continually adapting the things you’ve written about. Have you thought about publishing it as a book?

    You have also inspired me to join AODA- I am working on my application now.

    Since someone else wrote about adapting the SOP here and you responded, I also have a question. I have just begun practicing the SOP, using the instructions on the website. Before that I had been doing my own version of invoking the elemental beings, asking them to work with me to bring abundance to all the beings of the lands on which I work. I adapt the elemental breath practices of Hazrat Inayat Khan ( for the last 10+ years I have been a Sufi initiate and teacher in an order called the Sufi Ruhaniat International), as I move around the 4 directions in a mandala garden I’ve created at my home. One part of the SOP that did not resonate was the visualization. I am wonder what you think of substituting specific breath practices for the elemental symbols?

    Again I am deeply grateful for this series of posts and for your whole blog. It is deeply inspiring.

    1. Hi Karuna,

      Hudson Valley, you say? I’m heading out there the 3rd week of August for my permaculture teacher training class (it’s a week long, at a place called the Omega Institute–how close is that to what you guys are doing?) Would love to see your site!

      Glad to hear you are joining the AODA–I look forward to getting to know you more through that work! 🙂

      I can answer questions here about the SOP, yes (I would also encourage you to consider joining the AODA Public Yahoo group, that way, other AODA folks working on the SOP can benefit from the discussion!) But, onto your question–we encourage members to make the SOP their own. You aren’t the only person who had difficulty with the visualization; in fact, our Grand Archdruid, Gordon Cooper, is working on several alternatives to the SOP visualization. One involves harmonic resonances at different pitches. So I think that some kind of breathwork could work really well! The other option would be to trace the symbol and then pay attention to that element in the ecosystem. So rather than vizualizing the yellow air symbol, look at the movement of the air, sense it entering and leaving your lungs, etc. I like to do that a lot.

      Thank you so much for your kind words about the blog 🙂

      1. Omega’s about 40 minutes from here. I would love to meet you in person! You would be welcome to stay with us overnight or at the very least share a meal with us if you come! Let me know if you have time as your workshop gets closer!

        A couple in my food sharing network are Permaculture trainers and have done work at Omega, both week long workshops and the Women in Permaculture gathering. They are having a baby soon so I don’t know if they’re going this year. Perhaps you’ve run across Jared and Lala in your permaculture travelings?

        I’ve been doing the SOP daily outside at dawn my mandala garden (that Jared and Lala helped me design and build), adding both the elemental cross and the banishing aspects to what I had been doing before. It has been VERY powerful and feels much more complete. I like the your suggestion about paying attention to the element in the ecosystem and will add that too!

  5. […] And this blog about Druidic land healing. […]

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