OBOD East Coast Gathering 2013 – Review

The ECG logo (one of my own pieces!)
The ECG logo (one of my own pieces!)

This is the fourth year of the OBOD East Coast Gathering, (which I have reviewed before on this blog) and if anything can be said for certain, its that a tribe has now been firmly established. In the four years that I’ve been attending the gathering, I’ve watched us grow from a group newly formed to a community with rich traditions, rituals, and kinship. Coming to the ECG this year, after a very difficult year for me in particular, was coming home. This is beyond friendship, beyond family, reaching something deeper and more meaningful than most other relationships.  We are a tribe, we are kin, we are brothers and sisters in a sacred tradition honoring the land and supporting each other.  At one point in the gathering, the question was raised–is the gathering more “real” than what we were all returning to?  Which reality is reality?  These are things worth considering, and certainly, as we all spend substantial time in “readjustment” as we return to our jobs and hectic lives, the tribe that is the ECG will continue to hold the events of this past weekend in our hearts and minds.  In this review, I hope to capture some of the highlights of our gathering.

The Spirits of Place. I am always amazed by the welcoming nature of the spirits of the land of

Camp Netimus. They are serene and welcoming, whimsical and witty, and willing to share their knowledge.  From the fairy mounds and moss-covered fairy pathways deep in the forest and the stone cairns that seem to have grown out of the earth herself to nearby babbling brooks and our forest circle, the land holds us, cherishes us, and nurtures us as we gather. We had fewer acorns than last year (which was a shame, I was finally prepared with good buckets for harvesting them) but that did prevent the usual three or four acorns knocking you on the head during the gathering.  Our weather, for the most part, was sunny and cool.  We did finally receive a good storm or two on Saturday evening–but druids welcome all weather!

Story and Song. One of the highlights this year were our UK visitors, Damh the Bard, OBOD Pendragon; Cerri Lee, Pagan Artist; and Susan Jones, OBOD Tutor Coordinator. Damh gave us a wonderful concert on Thursday evening by our fire, where he sang some of his greatest songs, including two personal favorites of mine, “The Green and Gray” and “Sons and Daughters of Robin Hood.” If you haven’t yet had a chance to listen to his music, I strongly suggest doing so–his work resonates deeply for many of us. Damh, furthermore, is wonderful in person–I have listened to the OBOD Druidcast for many years, but seeing Damh in person was a rare treat.  In addition to the concert, each night our fires were home to bardic arts of many kinds–stories, songs, poems, dancing, and drumming.

Damh the Bard Concert (Photo by John Beckett)
Damh the Bard Concert (Photo by John Beckett)

Learning from One Another. Our gathering also had a fantastic line-up of workshops this year, including Fairy Houses with Denise Caron, Ogham and Druid Tree Magic from Damh the Bard, Survival Skills 101 with David Morrison, The Cauldron in Druidic Lore by Cerri Lee, Working with Animal Guides by Lorraine Soria, and the Journeyman and Hermit-Ways to Sacred Places with Susan Jones.  Each workshop helped deepen our understanding of the living and spirit worlds, and all were meaningful.  I especially enjoyed Susan’s historical discussion of the journeyman and the hermit and Damh’s discussion of how he does tree magic using the ogham.  Simple, yet profound, the knowledge gained from these workshops will continue to be transformative both within and without.

Raising the banner!; I am holding the banner in green. (Photo by John Beckett)
Raising the banner!; I am holding the banner in green. (Photo by John Beckett)

Ritual and Initiations.  On Saturday night, we initiated 3 druids and 12 ovates, for a record 5.5 hours of initiation (this is not something we set out to do, but we ended up having many more initiates than we had expected to have).  Despite the long hours, it was exciting to see so many new–and old–faces during our initiations.  We also initiated 14 new bards into the order–welcome new bards, and congratulations to those of you who entered new grades this year!  In addition to the initiation rituals, we had a lovely opening and closing ceremony, an Alban Elfed ritual, and a ritual dedicated to the Lord of the Forest, Cernunnos. During our Alban Elfed ritual, the community received gifts from the bards (a very entertaining and moving act), gifts from ovates (a discussion of apples and the rich earth, among other things), gifts from the druids (anointing of ash and oil from our fires and chanting of ogham), from the children (a fairy house and numerous caterpillars from the children), and our guests (a gift of good hospitality).  The Cerrunos ritual was particularly powerful–we processed deep into the forest to blazing fires and drumming, and summoned the lord of the forest to music and drumming.

Ritual Banner Carriers! (Photo by John Beckett)
Ritual Banner Carriers! (Photo by John Beckett)

It is the hour of recall….The hardest thing about the gathering is going home.  I have a hard time thinking about how long it will be until another gathering comes–a full year will pass, and with it, joys, sorrows, and so much more.  But if there is one thing I know, is that there will be another gathering, another time for our community to share, grow, and learn.  I am very excited to see what our 5th year looks like, and in the meantime, I’ll honor our kinship and community by closing with the OBOD Vow, a vow we say at the end of each of our rituals, “We swear, by peace and love to stand, heart to heart and hand to hand.  Mark, Oh Spirits, and hear us now, confirming this, our sacred vow.”  With a community like ECG, this vow becomes more than just words–it shows the power such communities can hold.

*Special thanks to John Beckett for letting me share some of his photos! I was very busy organizing the Alban Elfed ritual and forgot to take any photos of my own!*

Dana O'Driscoll

Dana O’Driscoll has been an animist druid for almost 20 years, and currently serves as Grand Archdruid in the Ancient Order of Druids in America. She is a druid-grade member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids and is the OBOD’s 2018 Mount Haemus Scholar. She is the author of Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Spiritual Practice (REDFeather, 2021), the Sacred Actions Journal (REDFeather, 2022), and Land Healing: Physical, Metaphysical, and Ritual Approaches for Healing the Earth (REDFeather, 2024). She is also the author/illustrator of the Tarot of Trees, Plant Spirit Oracle, and Treelore Oracle. Dana is an herbalist, certified permaculture designer, and permaculture teacher who teaches about reconnection, regeneration, and land healing through herbalism, wild food foraging, and sustainable living. Dana lives at a 5-acre homestead in rural western Pennsylvania with her partner and a host of feathered and furred friends. She writes at the Druids Garden blog and is on Instagram as @druidsgardenart. She also regularly writes for Plant Healer Quarterly and Spirituality and Health magazine.

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  1. What I felt when I got home was that I had just spent 3 days in the real world, and I had now returned to the fake crappy human world. There really is a bit of a readjustment. Now, I should not say that what is human is fake and crappy, because the gathering had a great deal of human interaction–authentic and direct and without so many trappings and distractions that we usually have. But that’s how I felt. It was a very special experience and I was so pleased to meet you there. Thanks for posting about it.

    1. Yeah, that’s pretty much how I feel too. I wish we could stay always in our tribe :).

  2. Felt like a homecoming when I was there, and a much needed balm for body and spirit. Back here now, I don’t feel as alone, but I feel it more keenly and can’t wait to reconnect next year with everyone, and more dancing around the fire.

    1. Dancing around the fire! Yes! 🙂

  3. […] attendees have written fine accounts of this year’s OBOD East Coast Gathering – see Dana’s and John’s posts for two good examples, which are also introductions to their excellent […]

  4. More photos will surface over tyme as well. Including mine when I finally get to a point where I can slow down and take a breath, which may not be until after Samhuinn. Writing rituals and workshops and guided meditations, etc. Boy, it sure is hectic being serene. LOL! I also received the applications for the Ovate grade, and hope to be immersed in the first gwerse before Yule. It was a great pleasure meeting everyone and sharing the magick of our spirits and the forest. And thank you to those of you who made the great souvenirs. They will make lovely gifts to a few folks I am mentoring. Blessed Be, and until next year, I’ll see you all in dreamland.
    -Sir Hex Nottingham
    (I’m writing this during our safety meeting at work in the mundane world. Ha!)

    1. Ps.
      And if you don’t mind traveling to Virginia, be sure to look into some of our festivals like May Moon Beltane in Newport News, Shenandoah Midsummer Festival, and Earthweavers this fall in Windsor to name a few. Cheers!

    2. Its like we need a week just to decompress and process after these gatherings! Dreamland indeed…. 🙂

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