Have you wanted to start or deepen your spiritual journaling practices? Do you want to find a supportive environment to engage in a more earth-honoring lifestyle? Would you like to explore new ways of synthesizing earth-honoring living and nature spirituality and reflecting on your path?  Would you like to learn how to sustainably craft some of your own journal tools, such as handmade paper, journals, ink, and pens?  If so, the Earth-Centered Spiritual Journaling Course is right for you!

Some of the many spirual journals I recently read through
Some of many spiritual journals I’ve made and kept over the years!

Following the Wheel of the Year, we will explore how to establish or deepen a journaling practice, explore how to synthesize nature spirituality and writing, learn a wide variety of journaling techniques you can use in your life, and learn how to live a more earth-honoring lifestyle through written reflection, exploration, and inner work. Thus, this course balances information on sacred journaling practices and deepens your writing with information on earth-centered spirituality and sustainable actions.  Additionally, we will also explore a wide range of sustainable book arts so that you can craft your own journals: crafting handmade paper, making various inks (acorn, berry), learning how to create your own brushes and pens, and creating your own homemade journals. The course is attentive of different needs and learning styles and delivers all lessons in multiple formats.

Sign up here:  https://paherbschool.podia.com/earth-centered-spiritual-journaling

Course structure: The self-paced course includes 10 total modules spanning a year’s time: an introductory module, eight modules timed around the wheel of the year to support a year of earth-centered journaling activities, and a final module. You can take the course at any time, do the introductory module, and then start on the first wheel module for the year closest to when you start the course.

Format:  The course is 100% self-paced and is delivered in multiple formats—audio and written with additional video material. Audio and written files are all downloadable so that you can listen to them or read them from any device, including on your commute to work!  Each module also includes video and audio versions of rituals, meditations, and supplemental video materials. Thus, the course is adapted to the needs of many different learning styles, neurodiverse, and differently-abled individuals.

Course texts: Recommended are Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Spiritual Practices and the Sacred Actions Journal both by Dana O’Driscoll (published by Shiffer/RedFeather). The course follows a similar structure to the books but offers entirely new material and expands from the books.

Detailed Overview of Course:
The course will be offered on a rolling basis and is available to signup any time.  We will be covering the following:

  • Introductory module: Introduction to sacred and spiritual journaling, benefits of journaling, establishing a journaling practice, selecting your journal, what to write about, three levels of documentation, exploring your relationship to writing and journaling, and opening ritual for setting intentions ritual and everyday journaling ceremony.
  • Spring Equinox: Writing to document and reflect, exploring your relationship to waste and waste flows in your life through the fungi kingdom, journaling to deepen and expand spiritual practice; perspective journaling technique; animism and sacred action;  animist ritual for meeting and honoring your tools, perspective journaing ritual practice.
  • Beltane: Journaling to generate ideas, expand, and explore; exploring earth-centered mindsets for sacred action in the home; freewriting, freeverse spontaneous poetry exploration; composing poetry, prayers, and songs from freeverse; making use of your inside covers; book arts: crafting acorn ink; trance journaling and trance journaling ritual.
  • Summer Solstice: Flow states and flow writing; multiple dimensions of nourishment; multiple dimensions of nourishment (for the body, mind, heart, and spirit), and handmade recycled papermaking for creating your own journals.

    The inside of my "Garden Journal" that detailed both knowledge about gardening and farming I was learning as well as my early attempts at homesteading
    The inside of my “Garden Journal”
  • Lughnassadh:  Visual and art journaling with images, lettering, and expressions; photo journaling; using symbols, motifs, and magical warding; crafting and using sigils from your journaling practice; rewilding as a core nature spiritual practice; garden and nature journaling; pocket journal technique.
  • Fall Equinox:  Journaling as a springboard for action in the broader world; visioning and visioning for the future through journaling; co-creating visions and intentions with nature; writing for broader audiences; creating communities of transition and connection; writer’s groups, crafting a simple stitched journal with handmade paper.
  • Samhain: Reflection and pattern journaling; exploring sustainable ritual tools and tool crafting; journaling as a means of deepening spiritual and magical practices; documenting magical practices; handmade feather pen for your journaling; ancestor literacy ritual.
  • Yule: Writing as healing; journaling to offer healing and grounding around climate anxiety; journaling as storytelling; dreamwork and journaling; exploring ethics and care; creating watercolor backgrounds for journal pages.
  • Imbolc: Journaling to support ongoing growth and learning; writing to learn; reskilling reflections; moon journaling and moon journaling ritual; second simple handmade journal using watercolor background paper.
  • Conclusion: Continuing and deepening your spiritual journaling practice; writing as a lifelong process; creating the Oak Grimoire, which is a personal book of your most important information (rituals, poems, deep insights, spirit teachings) that can be added to each year.

Early Bird Cost (Till May 1st, 2023): $200 for 10 modules spanning a year; After May 1st – $240 for the year-long course.  You can pay at once or have a 6-month payment option for $35/month.

About the instructor: Dana O’Driscoll is the author of Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Sustainable Practices as well as the author/illustrator of the Tarot of Trees, Plant Spirit Oracle, and TreeLore Oracle and Magical Compendium of North American Trees.  Dana is an animist druid who currently serves as the Grand Archdruid in the Ancient Order of Druids in America and also is an OBOD Druid and OBOD Mount Haemus Scholar. She lives on 5-acre homestead in Western Pennsylvania with her gnomish partner, where they practice permaculture and regenerative living with a host of feathered and furred friends. Dana is a certified permaculture designer and certified permaculture teacher, and regularly teaches herbalism and wild food foraging in her community. She has over 20 years as a professional educator and writing professor, including expertise in adapting instruction for a variety of learners including neurodiverse, differently-abled, and those with various learning styles.

Sign up at this link: https://druidsgarden.podia.com/earth-centered-spiritual-journaling 


If you have any questions about the course, I’m happy to answer them!  Thanks for your consideration!