A big part of druidry, to many, is cultivating sacred relationships with the trees and plants around us.  My blog examines this in many, many different directions–here are just a few of those!

Fall foliage rising above...
Fall foliage rising above…

Druid Tree Workings

This is a whole series of posts on working closely with the trees.

  • Druid Tree Workings: Holding Space and Helping Tree Spirits Pass: There comes a time when one of your tree friends–or many of your tree friends–face cruel reality of the chainsaw. What then, does one do when one hears the cry of the forest? This, dear readers, is a very different kind of tree working, and one that I’ve been compelled to share.
The Land Loves You (Lughnassadh, 2015)
The Land Loves You (Lughnassadh, 2015)

Sacred Trees of the Midwest/Northeast

My extended series on tree magic for trees in my bioregion:

Hawthorn and New England Aster and Cauliflower Mushroom all harvested on the same day
Hawthorn and New England Aster and Cauliflower Mushroom

Wildcrafting Medicine and Wild Food/Mushroom Foraging

Fresh plant tinctures
Fresh plant tinctures

Learning Herbalism:

  • Resources to learn Inner and Outer Worlds of Herbalism: “There are a lot of ways to become an herbalist, and this list provides some ways to get started. Like anything worth doing, herbalism requires dedication and practice. Traditional western herbalism contains an immense body of knowledge that requires not only good memory and study skills, but also intuition, observation, and reasoning. It will take years to develop enough knowledge to be a deeply effective herbalist, but you will also learn things even on your first day of studying herbs that you can apply to better your health and address various ailments.”
  • Embracing the Weeds: Weedwalking, Weedtending, Weedcrafting: “Weeds. The term conjures up images of plants that are unwanted and unloved, the bane of township “noxious weed ordinances” and suburbanites, and the quiet recipient of so many unfounded assumptions. Yet these are the plants that are the best medicine, that give us regeneration and life in our soils. These are the plants that can grow in harsh conditions (dry conditions, drought, sidewalk cracks, even handle some chemical sprays) when so many others fail. These weeds are the plants that tend our wounds, that detoxify our bodies, that provide valuable forage for pollinators, that break up compacted soil, that heal our lands.”
  • Herbalism as a Sacred Spiritual Practice. This post suggests that we can incorporate herbalism practice into other nature-based spiritual practices and compliment our spiritual life.




Making Medicine

Blessing herbal tincture
Blessing herbal tincture


Wild Food and Medicine Plant Profiles