Dana O'Driscoll

Dana O’Driscoll has been an animist druid for 20 years, and currently serves as Grand Archdruid in the Ancient Order of Druids in America (www.aoda.org). She is a druid-grade member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids and is the OBOD’s 2018 Mount Haemus Scholar. She is the author of Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Spiritual Practice (REDFeather, 2021), the Sacred Actions Journal (REDFeather, 2022), and Land Healing: Physical, Metaphysical, and Ritual Approaches for Healing the Earth (REDFeather, 2024). She is also the author/illustrator of the Tarot of Trees, Plant Spirit Oracle, and Treelore Oracle. Dana is an herbalist, certified permaculture designer, and permaculture teacher who teaches about reconnection, regeneration, and land healing through herbalism, wild food foraging, and sustainable living. In 2024, she co-founded the Pennsylvania School of Herbalism with her sister and fellow herbalist, Briel Beaty. Dana lives at a 5-acre homestead in rural western Pennsylvania with her partner and a host of feathered and furred friends. She writes at the Druids Garden blog and is on Instagram as @druidsgardenart. She also regularly writes for Plant Healer Quarterly and Spirituality and Health magazine.

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  1. I was shocked when I first learned that stinging nettle could actually be eaten, but I tasted a simple nettle soup and it was surprisingly good. I once met a woman who used them in pancakes! Nettles are also used in biodynamic preparations. Thanks for sharing your knowledge of this special plant 🙂

    1. I forgot about nettles being used in biodynamics! That’s right :). Thanks for your comment~ 🙂

    1. Thank you for the reblog!

  2. Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
    Great information

  3. I’ve also had good experiences with using Nettle tea to help diminish Allergy symptoms. Plus my Postpartum doula friend uses it to help those who are having trouble making enough milk for breastfeeding. All around it’s such a fabulous plant!

    1. Thank you for the tips! I haven’t tried it for allergies–will have to do so! 🙂

  4. Nettles are one of my fav plants. I never used them as food but as herbal tea and it helps a lot ith anxiety and liver problems and digestion. It reduce sugar cravings too.
    My mom have a big garden and she is invades by nettles, I should go harvest and cook to store a maximum of food 😀

    1. I didn’t know about the sugar craving reduction–thanks for sharing that bit! Thank you for reading!

      1. You’re very welcome 🙂 glad to be able to teach you something sometimes 😉

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